We finally had a family of Canada geese show up yesterday! The adults,
unlike most, seem to be ok with me standing close enough to get some
nice photos. What really struck me about the 8 goslings was the amount
of fighting going on between them. The fighting was not playful bantering and I had an
awful feeling one or two could be killed. This morning when they showed
up there were only 7 goslings. There is no way to know for sure what
happened to one of the goslings but I do wonder if one of its siblings
killed it. We've had a lot of geese on our property and I have never
seen goslings fight this viciously.
September has been quite a month on our 12 acres. Within less than two weeks I had rescued a budgie(parakeet) and a rogue rooster. I first spotted the budgie one evening as we were shutting up the chickens. He was sitting on a bush in our backyard. My first reaction was "rare bird" but I soon calmed down after looking at the yellow blob with binoculars. Definitely a budgie. I tried to capture him that evening but he flew off to the top of a very large willow tree. Over the next couple of days we spotted him off and on under the bird feeder but he always flew off with the wild birds every time we walked out the back door. About 3 days later, on our wedding anniversary, I saw him sitting on our chainlink fence all by himself...no other birds around. I grabbed some bird seed and slowly walked over to him, fully expecting him to fly away. He didn't. He let me put my seed-filled hand in front of him and he started to eat the food. While he was eating, I carefully brought up...
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